Hey guys! Today I am going to be talking about body flying, something which I did this weekend. For Christmas, my parents kindly bought me and my boyfriend a red letter days experience to go body flying and we booked it for last Saturday. I thought it would be interesting to talk about if you have ever thought about doing it! There are three places we could have gone body flying, Manchester, Milton Keynes or Basingstoke and we choose to go to Manchester since it was closer. If you don't know what body flying is, it's kind of getting the experience of doing a sky-dive without needing to jump!
So first of all, you have to arrive an hour before your time, and the times I found were a little funny the were either in the morning or in the evening there were no afternoon times. Our time was half 10 which meant I had to be there for half 9, aka I had to get up early in order to drive there too! When we got there we had to fill in a form and then we waited for our time. About 45 minutes before going in, we were called in and watched a video explaining how to position yourself. Then we had to get into our suits and helmets and stuff.
We entered the air space thing first and we had to wait for everyone to have their turn. We had two minutes split into two. On the second go, you had the option to do a "hi fly" which is where the instructor spins us and takes us up the tube to the top. This was an extra £6 which was quite expensive, but it was an experience. Before even flying while we were waiting was really strange because it was quite loud and the air pressure changes so my ears popped.
Even though 2 minutes doesn't seem like a lot but actually for someone whose never done it before it really is enough! I found it really difficult to breathe because of the air which was a bit strange and it panicked me a bit. The air tube itself is really big and it seems to go up really high! Everyone is sat around watching you, as well as friends/ family of the people doing the body flying but I didn't find it daunting or anything.
So I wasn't going to opt for the hi fly thing because I am really scared of heights like really scared! But everyone else in the group went for it so I didn't want to be the only one who didn't. I actually asked him if I could only go up a a bit and not to up as high as the top which he let me. I don't think I could have gone up to the top! I honestly did find it quite scary, but it was worth it. I thought about how I wouldn't get that experience again so I went for it! Even if it did have to close my eyes! I liked that the actual flying wasn;t too high either which I liked. It was quite hard to get the actual body positions right!
Overall I would really recommend this experience! It was so much fun, and even if you are scared of heights I think you can go for it! Heights is one of my biggest fears and I didn't find it too scary, and you don't have to do the hi fly if it is too much!
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Lots of love,
Eleanor x
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