Tuesday, 3 January 2017

What I read in 2016

Hi guys! So it's time for my favourite post of the year, my round-up of what I read in the year! Last year I knew I would be busy with work, and so on Goodreads I set myself 15 books, which I knew I should definitely reach. If you want to follow me on Goodreads by the way you can search for me via my email address which is smitheh01@gmail.com and I update it as soon as I start a new book! Last year I read a total of 23 books, which is a bit lower than the year before that! As always I am going to list all the books I read in order and at the end talk about which were my favourite/ worst books of 2016! I have marked the books with a * if they were ones which were sent to me to read and review. I hope you enjoy!

1) The woman in white - Wilkie Colins.
2) Rebel of the Sands - Alwyn Hamilton. *
3) The versions of us- Laura Barnett. 
4) Conversion- Katherine Howe.
5) The Quality of Silence- Rosamund Lupton.
6- 12) The Harry Potter series - JK Rowling.
13) The Cookoos Calling-  Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling.)
14) The Silkworm- Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling.)
15) Career of evil-  Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling.)
16) Harry Potter and the Cursed Child- JK Rowling, John Tiffany.
17) The Girl in the Spiders web - David Lagercrantz. 
18) Miranda's big mistake- Jill Mansell. 
19) Sphinx- TS Learner.
20) The Map- TS Learner.
21) Happily- Sophie Tanner. *
22) The Book of Secrets- Tom Harper.
23) A Monster Calls- Patrick Ness.

And there you are, all the books I read last year! As you can see I had a massive JK Rowling summer reading spree and decided to re-read (for the 100th time) all the Harry Potter books, but I do really want to mention the crime books she has written under the name Robert Galbraith, I loved these books and I am so excited for the next one in this series!

My three favourite books of this year are The Versions Of Us, The Quality Of Silence, and A Monster Calls. Patrick Ness gets the award of the only book that made me cry this year! All three of these books I really loved and I would recommend. I also want to mention Miranda's big mistake here too, although it didn't really make the top 3, I really enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would! I don't read much chick lit to be honest but maybe I should start a little more, I really liked this and if you're after an easy summer read I would recommend this for sure! Even if it was written 18 years ago it made me laugh so much still and is still really current and hilarious and kept me on my toes! I really want to read some more of Jill Mansell's books now.

Now for my worst books, I have to mention Sphinx and The Map, both of which I did a review on a few months ago slating them! If you want to read more about why I didn't like them you can do so here! I also have to put Conversion in this category. It's one of those books that I'd had my eye one for a couple of years and decided to buy it and I found it really disappointing. It had such an amazing plot but it was so anti-climatic to be honest, I really didn't think it was very good which was a shame because I was so looking forward to reading it for a long time.

I hope you enjoyed this post! What did you read and enjoy in 2016? I am going back to uni this week and so my blog posts are going to go back to being once a week again! But I have some really exciting content coming up soon! Because of this, I am unsure when my next post will be up, or if I will do another one this week or if my next one will be next week or what I'm just not sure! I will keep you updated on twitter (ellie_smithxo) or Instagram (littleblogsfromlittlepeople) so follow me on there to find out when I post!
Lots of love,
Eleanor x

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