Friday, 30 December 2016

2016 roundup and 2017 goals

Hey guys! I can't believe we are nearly into the new year, this year has flown by! I wanted to do a little round up of 2016 and also talk about my new goals for the new year. 2016 has been a difficult year for many people, and there definitely have been many bad things that have happened. Apart from political problems which have made this year disastrous, such as brexit and Trump getting into power and the many great celebrities that sadly passed away, there have been some bad things in my life. My uncle passed away this year, and my grandad's Alzheimers is getting worse and has been getting worse all year. But there have been some really good things in my life too this year, I finished my first year of university with a 1st, I've had an amazing time on holiday with my boyfriend in the Lakes and I've had a lot of fun at university. I am excited to see what 2017 brings me! My goals last year included finishing first year with a good grade and reading at least 15 books, both of which I did and my annual book round-up will be posted sometime next week!

My first goal for 2017 is to be less pessimistic and well...bitter. If you guys follow me on twitter (which is ellie_smithxo by the way, cheeky promo) you may have noticed I can post a bunch of pessimistic tweets and honestly it has to stop so I definitely want to be less negative in the new year.

Secondly, I really want to throw myself into blogging this year. I've taken it back up a bit more at the end of this year but I know that 2016 has not been my year blogging wise. But I really want to blog more and try and grow my social networks and be more active. I'm going to try really hard and grow my blog.

Thirdly I want to work hard in 2017 with my uni work again because by 2nd year actually counts and I want to do the best I can.

Finally, I want to read as many books as I can. I think I'll set the aim as 15 again but I beat it this year and I'm hoping to beat it by more books next year!

What are your goals? Talk to you in the new year!
Lots of love,
Eleanor x

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