Wednesday, 23 December 2015

I am Malala- Review

Hey! I was asked to review a book that I have been really excited to read so I jumped at the first opportunity to read it. It is a book by one girl who I have always admired, Malala Yousafazi. This has been the only book other than my course reading that I have done, and it didn't take me long to read as it is only a short book. I did love this book however, it made me really feel Malala's pain and gave greater insight into what she was going through at the time. I felt that the book missed out a lot of political information about what was going on at the time, that might have been because the book was aimed at a teen audience or that Malala herself was young and maybe didn't understand it fully either. As an older reader for me it felt a little "young" somehow but the important messages still got accross.

For me this book really brought home what it was like in Afgahinstan for these children and adults alike. A place where woman cannot learn in school seems difficult to imagine and we become wrapped up in our own little worlds that it's easy to forget how horrible it must have been and how real too. It definitley opened my eyes to the horror that they endured and strengthend my admiration for Malala. The book has a really important message about war, that I feel like a lot of political leaders need to read, to see exactly the harm war is causing to civillians and real people. I love Malala and her fathers courage to keep fighting despite the danger in their situation, and the very real fear of death.

I hope Malala keeps fighting for her cause and we all help, this girl has got much more change to make yet! I would definitley reconmend this book to everyone of all ages, even if I did find it a little bit young for me the messages in this book are for everyone of all ages.

Lots of love,
Eleanor x

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