Sunday, 5 July 2015

Blogger interviews #3- Mycrazybeautyjourney

Hey guys! Meet Chloe, the writer of My Crazy Beauty Journey which you can find here. Chloe is absolutely lovely and writes a predominantly beauty blog which I adore. As you guys know I write my little thought posts and Chloe often touches upon body image in her posts too which I love and I know you guys will love.

1) Where did the name behind your blog come from? 
Well I did originally have a blog which I can't remember the name for it anymore. Then I decided that I didn't like that blog because I wasn't really blogging about what I loved which is beauty. After much consideration and a blogger friend I came up with the name 'My Crazy Beauty Journey', that still remains my blogger domain which I'm hopefully soon going to change, but I decided on 'My Crazy Beauty Journey'  because it was the period in my life when I started to really get into beauty. Now my blog is literally just called 'Chloe Marie' because that's my first and middle name.

2) Why did you decide/ what inspired you to start blogging? 
This is going to be so cliché but I had the inspirations like Zoella and fell in love with her blog. She seemed to have so much fun doing what she loved and I had been contemplating started a blog but I think that Zoe gave me quite a big push on the idea.

3) What are you most looking forward too this summer?
 I knew the answer to this question as soon as I read this question. Even though I'm not quite on my Summer holidays just yet I still class June as Summer because you know, it is. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing my family this Summer. I've already been up to Skelmersdale for my Aunt's 70th and then in August I'm going to be going down Essex way for an annual family barbecue which I'm really looking forward to. You'll have to keep your eyes peeled on my blog during August for an OOTD because the outfit I've ordered is to die for! I feel like I belong at Coachella but with less mud. 

4) What type songs are you particularly loving at the moment? 
How can this seriously be a question?! They're just too many songs! I'm really liking a lot of the old songs at the minute, like the ones that aren't from this year. I'm really liking Valerie by Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse at the minute, she was just amazing and it kind of makes me sad knowing that she isn't with us anymore. Also, I'm absolutely obsessed with Carrie Underwood at the minute. Turn on Two Black Cadillacs or Before He Cheats and I'm there singing along. You can also never go wrong with a bit of Disney especially a bit of Frozen! Ooo I almost forgot Collabro are like one of my faves, I probably sound like an old woman but I just love them; I'm especially loving All I Want from they're new album, Act Two. Too. Many. Songs. To. Pick. From

5) What type of things do you blog about?
 I do a lot of blogging about beauty, fashion and lifestyle. I love that no one can really tell me what to do on my blog because it's my blog. I have a little series called Tea Talk which is where I discuss issue I want to talk about, if you pop over to my blog comment a topic on one of the tea talks and I might pick your topic to write about. I don't do as many fashion posts because most of the time I'm either in jeans, leggings or pyjama bottoms so you know I don't think that blogging about how I style my reindeer pyjamas would be too exciting.

6) Do you have any favourite bloggers? If so who and why? 
 Obviously I love all the bigger bloggers because you know they're all like goals but I recently did a blog post of 5 bloggers that I'm loving so you can go check that out if you want. However, I like to change ever five minutes between one blogger and the other but I think that there's so many new smaller bloggers it's hard to pick a favourite.

7) What is your most embarrasing moment (that you are willing to share;) )? 
 I know hands down what this is and it's quite a recent moment. It's both painful and embarrassing. Basically I was dancing around like an idiot to Billy Elliot as you do before you go and watch Pitch Perfect 2 with your best friend. Anyway, I was leaping and as I leapt I landed awkwardly and fell on my ankle which has landed me on crutches which I'm not so happy about. The most embarrassing part about this whole ordeal is that my little sister was recording me and the time and has video evidence of when it happened so you know I don't plan on dancing in front of my little sister anytime soon.

8) Why is blogging important to you?
Blogging is important to me because it gives me somewhere to escape to. How cliché am I but it's serious. If I'm getting really stressed I'll just log onto blogger and finish writing my newest blog post or I can edit photos or plan blog posts. I just love writing and giving something back to people. Also, blogging is important to me because it's given me the opportunity to talk to some amazing people who I think are always going to be in my life even if I never meet them I know that they're only a computer screen away

9) What would your dream job be?
I've had the same dream job for around ten years now. I've always gone back and forth between two professions. Either being in the medical profession or being an author. I don't think I could be in the medical profession because I'd just be crying constantly, I'm a wreck but I really love writing with a passion. I always have and probably always will, I think that's why I blog. I'd definitely love to be an author because I'd just love to come up with my own characters with their own fates and storylines

10) A random fact about yourself?
 A random fact about myself...A random fact about myself...Hmm this is hard. Ooo I've got one, it's not very interesting but it's still a random fact. Even though I've been to the hospital about a hundred times I've never actually broken a bone. Soft tissue damage? Yes. Bad sprains? Yes. Damaged ligaments? Yes. Crutches? Yes. But never a broken bone.

I hope you enoyed reading this! Remember to go and look at Chloe's blog, I love it and I know you will too!

If you want to be interviewed by me about your blog, please comment with your emails or email me at!
Lots of love
Eleanor x


  1. Thank you for letting me take part in these interviews! It was really fun!xx

  2. Love this post very much!It is very well written and Chloe is truly an amazing person!
