Sunday, 22 February 2015

100 days of happiness, days 47-53

Hey guys, here's my next week of my 100 happy days challenge! I can't believe I'm already half way through it's gone so fast!

Day 47: Hair cut. This week has been half term for those of you who didn't know and it was about time I had a hair cut, I just got it trimmed and re layering!
Day 48: Pancake day! Okay so I am a pancake freak I just love them so much, I may or may not have had five pancakes mmmmm...
Day 49: Revision day. I had the dentist at like super early time I was up at half seven so I picked up my friend on the way back and we came to mine to have a good revision day. Doesn't seem like a normal thing that would make someone happy but for me it is, revising is fun with people!
Day 50: Walk in York. On thursday we wanted to go for a walk but it was raining in Leeds so we drove to York instead! I love York it's so old and pretty and one of my fave walks is definitely around the city walls! SO nice having a revision break and being out of the house!

Day 51: My boyfriends gig. My boyfriend is a drummer in a band so I went to watch, the pub was in wakefield and it had so many people singing a long, it was so full! This picture is one of the pub when it was empty and the band were setting up.
Day 52: Morning cuddles and more pancakes! I stayed over at Lukes house and we stayed in bed untill about 12 before eating loads of pancakes, we then went into town and bought oreo's and then made steak for tea, winning life.
Day 53: Greggs for lunch. Is it just me who gets excited for greggs? I had a sausage roll, a packet of crisps and a vanilla slice, heaven!

Lots of Love
Eleanor x

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