Hello everyone!
I'm Alisha Valerie from www.AlishaValerie.com and I wanted to share my top tips for staying positive and motivated on your worst mental health days.
From my own personal experiences, bad mental health days always make me feel like utter shit. I don't want to do anything, I don't want to be around anyone at all, let alone let anyone touch me to give me a cuddle, because as silly as it sounds, it's like I don't want someone to hug me and catch my bad day off me.
Thankfully since I stopped taking my chemotherapy and started taking cannabis oil I'm not suffering from too many bad days, but I wanted to share with you how I stay positive on bad mental health days so that it can hopefully help you too.
|| Don't Believe Everything You Think || I know this can be super hard but you need to be kind to yourself and try to stop thinking negative thoughts. If you follow my blog or myself on social media you'll know I'm a massive believer in the Law of Attraction, so I try to keep myself as positive as possible. If you can't seem to bring yourself to think positive thoughts then search them online. It sounds silly but it really does make a difference.
|| Have a Warm Drink & Breathe || Taking some time in the quiet with your favourite warm drink to simply breathe and stay calm is one of the best things to do. Drinking something you love inside your body can make your body feel loved too and it's a really simple way of loving and taking care of yourself.
|| Meditate || Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot rave about meditation enough, if you have never tried meditation or simply have a hard time concentrating then check out "Michael Sealey" on YouTube, he writes, makes and records guided meditations which you simply listen along to for free for all types of problems at all times of day so I'll be super surprised if you don't mind a meditation which suits you. Meditation can be one of the best things for your mind too as you're giving it time to relax without all of the over-thinking you may be doing.
|| Take A Shower/Bath || Taking a hot shower or a warm bubble bath is a good way of washing away all of the negative vibes and bad thoughts from your body. Also using a bath bomb, bubble bath or your favourite shower gel or shampoo can really make you feel beautiful because the smells can remind you of your good days.
|| Pamper Yourself || Whether it's painting your nails, applying a facemask, applying a conditioning treatment, no matter if it's all of these things or just one of these idea's just do some pampering. Having a small at-home pamper can really make a difference and can bring out a new more positive you.
|| Get Some Fresh Air || Sitting outside in your garden or yard and filling your lungs with some fresh air always helps me personally. Take yourself on a small walk, go play with your children at the local park, walk your dog, just getting yourself outside instead of being stuck between the walls of your home can really make a difference.
|| Write || Writing down how you feel can really get all of your thoughts out your head and help you clear your brain a little bit, plus because it's down on paper and you can see it in front of you, you'll stop over-thinking about it. Keeping a little journal or habit tracker can really help you track your bad days to so you can see how you're coping.
|| Recharge || Napping or quietly resting someone comfortable are two of the best things you can do to let your body heal itself. I'm a believer in time healing everything, and sometimes you just feel to have some time to let your mind heal and recharge. We all need that sometimes and you'll be surprised at how many people I know that this helps.
|| Reward Yourself || Rewarding yourself with your favourite drink, or a bar of chocolate, or even renting a movie you've been dying to see on Amazon Prime can really help you feel better because whilst you're doing that simple thing you love, you're rewarding yourself and loving yourself in the process.
I hope some of these ideas really do help some of you out, and I really hope you're all having the most wonderful positive day.
With love, Alisha Valerie. x
Blog | www.alishavalerie.com
Twitter | www.twitter.com/ alishavalerie
Instagram | www.instagram.com/alisha. valerie
Tumblr | www.alishavalerie.tumblr. com
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