Monday, 17 April 2017

The Rosie Project &The Rosie Effect - Graeme Simsion book review

Hey guys! Hope you are well! When this post goes up I will be back at university for my third term and into the swing of exams so for the next few weeks my posts may be quite short! But I do have some exciting posts coming up! Bit off topic but I am loving how my blog is going at the moment and I'm hitting some big milestones for me. Anyway on with the book review. If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen I posted a few books that I ordered that I've been reading over easter and I wanted to review them! I'm a bit late to the party as I know "The Rosie Project" was a highly talked about book a while ago.

The first book is about a scientist trying to find a wife, and the second book is all about his life with said wife. The main character, Don, is extremely logically and finds it difficult to empathise with others and often acts quite strange. He finds it difficult to understand sarcasm and has quite poor social skills. As noted, he has a few symptoms associated with Aspergers syndrome, however it is never completely stated that he does indeed have this. Don trying to navigate himself in this situation is highly amusing, and I honestly love him so much. It is quite unusual for me to love a protagonist so much but Don is just hilarious. I wasn't sure what I was expecting in these books but I loved the story lines in both books. Throughout the books you notice a change in Don as he gets better at social situations.

The first book I really loved, the story line and Don was just so quirky and like nothing, I had read before! If you want a funny read I would really recommend this! In the second book however I have to note that while I loved the story line, Rosie actually really started to irritate me. The second book is about Don settling down with Rosie, and within the first few chapter, it is revealed she's pregnant. Now, I know Don isn't the most socially competent but Rosie handles the situation so badly. I'm not sure who we are supposed to empathise with in this situation as they go through some marriage difficulties but Rosie pissed me off so much honestly it nearly ruined the book for me. If you guys have read this book let me know if you felt the same! This aside, I think the second book was actually funnier and it had me laughing out loud so many times!

All in all, I would say if you're looking for something that is a light read I would recommend these books! The characters really stuck with me and both books I just could not put down and could not stop thinking about between reading times! You could definitely read them separately but I think to read them both is best. I know a lot of people don't like the second book as much but I personally really liked it.
Have you read these? What do you think?
Lots of love,
Eleanor x

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