Thursday, 22 December 2016

My lead-up to Christmas

Hey guys! I hope you are doing well, I am so ill and full of cold and not feeling good so I decided to break from the uni work that was taking me ages to get through and do a blog post. I wanted to do a different kind of post today a bit more of a chatty personal style one and show you what I've been up to over the last few weeks and the lead up to Christmas day. This post is going to be quite a long one so I would grab a cuppa and have a sit down! I know we have a few more days until Christmas but I'm not going to be doing anything exciting, just uni work and a shift at work and chilling out Christmas eve so I might as well put it up now.

First of all, I actually came home from uni a few weeks ago and we put up the Christmas tree. Every year we buy a real tree, often from St Gemma's charity or from a local Christmas tree place near where we live. I am quite picky about my tree so after discussion myself, my sister, my dad and my boyfriend decided on one. We got it home and got all the Christmas tree decorations out of the loft, my mum is super picky about the decorations, only allowed pink and gold and they all have a special place where they go on the tree every year. Me and my sister take it in turns to put the angel on the top and this year was my turn. This was our finished result.

A few days later me and my boyfriend went to go Christmas shopping. I still needed to buy for my parents and sister and my best friend and he needed some bits and bobs for his family too so we went to the white rose shopping centre in Leeds to do a bit of shopping. I was super happy with the presents I got actually, I know my parents won't read this so I'll show you what I got for my mum and dad.
I got my mum this Bayliss and Harding stuff which was reduced in superdrug down to £10 from £25 I think. I got my dad this bottle of port from M&S for only £8 with was reduced by 50% which I think are two great bargains. The decorations in the White Rose were so pretty too.

However I still hadn't got all my presents sorted for my boyfriend so a few days later I went late night shopping in Leeds centre with my mum and sister and got some last minute presents. Cue more pretty Christmas decorations.
I also picked up a few goodies for myself which you would have seen if you follow me on Instagram.

The lashes and lipstick are from Primark and I needed some more conditioner and my Liz Earle moisturiser.

The next day I went into Haworth with my boyfriend. I love Haworth so much, I love going there around christmas time it's so pretty and it was always a childhood tradition to go and to go on the Santa train! I might be too old now for the Santa train but I love walking around the village.

I had to pay homage to my favourite sweet shop too and we also went for a lovely hot chocolate.

The next day was my best friends party and we went out into Leeds. It was such a lovely night and she loved her presents (I got her makeup-revolution rose gold eye brushes and a Zoella bath fizzer bar.) I thought I'd include a few pictures of the night! I actually wore the Primark lashes that I showed you earlier, I loved them they stayed on all night and I would recommend!

One Tuesday of this week I went up to Sunderland with my family to visit my Grandad and we stayed there over night. On the wednesday we went for a meal with my grandad and dad's side of the family. We had a lovely Christmas 3 course meal at the Italian Farmhouse in Sunderland. It was so delicious. I had a broth to start, cod and couscous for main and an Eton mess for pudding. I would recommend going there it was a lovely lunch and it was only £13 or something for 3 courses.

And that wraps up my Christmas build up! I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know if you enjoy these style posts. I think this will be my last post before Christmas so I hope you have a lovely day and relax and I will be back next week. I think I will do a "what I got for Christmas" post because I love reading those posts and I'll probably do a new years resolutions post as well before new year!
Lots of love,
Eleanor x

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