Sunday, 18 January 2015

100 happy days day 12-18

Hey guys! This is my next week in my 100 happy days! It's been quite a busy week for me this week to be honest so there's quite a lot to see!

Day 12: Ballet shoes! My new soft block shoes are so pretty! I haven't got the ribbons on them just yet I still need to get round to sowing them on but even just putting these on my feet make me so happy!

Day 13: Dance show. I had a little ballet show on this day and just before I went on stage, I realised it was going to be my last ever dance show since I am leaving for university in the summer and probably won't do another one before. Needless to say I was feeling very emotional and after the show when I got a hug off my teacher I burst into tears! I have done ballet since I was 3 years old and had always looked up to the older girls who danced and I realised I am the older girl now and it was just so much to handle, so many memories in my dance hall and I'm very sad to be leaving!
Day 14: Snow! I woke up and found it had snowed overnight! It has recently snowed more but I always get that kiddy excitement when it snows!
 Day 15: I recently started reading the handmaids tale and I love it so much! Plus I walked up to the shops to get myself an innocent smoothie, healthy and so tasty!
Day 16: A chomp bar! Having almost cut chocolate out of my diet in an attempt to be healthy having a small fun sized choccy bar on a friday is a god send!
Day 17: It was my friend's 19th birthday so him and his girlfriend, me and my boyfriend, and another couple all went bowling and then to the pup in town where we met up with others. It was so much fun, my boyfriend tried to teach me to play pool to no avail.At one point in the pub smash mouth all start came on and I have never seen so many people sing that loud!  Anyway here's a slightly drunken picture of me and my boyfriend taken from last night.
Day 18: Today my Aunty and Uncle who I rarely see are coming round to give cristmas presents and as a treat me and dad bought some gorgeous looking buns from wait-rose which I cannot wait to try one!

That's all! Hope you enjoyed this.
Lots of Love
Eleanor x

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