Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Mental Health Awearness March- Alex's story, dyslexia

Heyy beautifuls, since I was very bad last week at putting up posts I should be doing three this week, staring off with a post that was sent to me by Alex of Strawberry Sundae (http://gibbongirl11.blogspot.co.uk/) all about dysexia, remember to give this page a like:')

Hi my names is Alex and I have dyslexia it sounds a bit like an AA meeting. I was asked to write a post about dyslexia if you find me interesting you could check out my blog.
The facts
Dyslexia is a learning disability that effects all parts of my life. Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that affects memory and processing speed which impacts on literacy development, mathematics, memory, organisation and sequencing skills to varying degrees. Dyslexia can occur at any level of intellectual development. It is neurological in origin and is seen to run in families. It affects up to 10% of the UK population at some level and can affect anyone of any age and background. Dyslexia means difficulty with words or word blindness.  There is also a numbers disability called Dyscalculia. Dyslexics have difficulties determining left from right and dyslexic’s brain can only process one instruction at a time. Some Dyslexics have trouble learning to ride a bike others struggle to learn to swim.  Most Dyslexics never crawl when they are a baby – they cannot move each corner limb at different times they tend to move one side of their body then the other, this means that they can’t crawl. Individuals with dyslexia process information in a different part of the brain than non-dyslexics.
Non-dyslexics use three areas on the left side of the brain to process language. The centre area is for automatic word retrieval.  Dyslexics tend to use the right side of the brain to process language, which is an inefficient method. They have great difficulty remembering words they have recently encountered, and their processing speed tends to be slower.
Dyslexics brain interprets the information it is seeing differently from the way a non-dyslexic does.  Individuals with dyslexia tend to be creative and show high level of intelligence.  Some people have Dyslexia all their lives and are never diagnosed.  Having dyslexia doesn’t mean you are stupid your brain just works differently to other peoples.   Some people’s Dyslexia is an inherited difficulty. If one parent has dyslexia, 50% of their children will have it. If both parents are dyslexic, 100% of their children will be. Dyslexics tend to have good people skills, and vivid imaginations.
Dyslexia effects everything I do I have to write down instruction of things I need to do , I have to get other people to check my school work for spelling mistakes and I don’t know my left and right.
Some dyslexics have used their disability to help them think outside of the box and achieve great things like Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, Agatha Christie, Einstein and Richard Branson. Many Dyslexics have trouble remembering more than one instruction at a time and yet Zoe Wannamaker, Kara Tointon, and many other TV stars have overcome this to remember their lines.
If you would like to know more watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DQFbQWyOdw

If you want to write a mental health post for mental health awearness march send it to me at smitheh01@gmail.com I'd love for you too get involved even if you're not a blogger! See you tomorrow,
Eleanor x

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